The Infant Program

Our Infant Program (6 Weeks to 15 Months)

The beginning of a Wonderful Wonderland experience starts in our infant room.

We provide a nurturing environment to care for your baby. Our babies are cared for by friendly, enthusiastic, and responsive caregivers in a calm, soothing, happy environment. Their daily needs are addressed with smiles and frequent eye contact. Loving interaction between baby and caregiver is given during diaper changes, feedings, rest time, and playtime.

Babies are talked to about what they are seeing and experiencing thus encouraging their vocabulary development. Songs and soothing music are played during naps. There is plenty of cuddle time and babies are given plenty of individualized attention. Our infant room staff are attentive to your baby as important milestones are reached, such as learning to roll over, crawl, walk, smile, babble, and wave hello! Our infant staff also ensure your child is learning through educational concepts, social interactions, play and new experiences.

Parents are kept up to date with a daily sheet that reports feeding times/amounts, diaper changes, nap times, and activities that occurred each day. The staff is responsive to each parent’s concerns and suggestions and baby’s achievements are joyfully shared.

Our room resembles a relaxing home atmosphere with cribs, age appropriate toys, bouncers, high chairs and a comfy rocking chair. Each child has their own cubby for personal items. There is adequate space for the staff to sit on the floor with baby during play. Your child’s happiness and comfort is our first priority as we provide you with a safe and secure program.

Infant Room Schedule

The infant classroom provides many opportunities for stimulating and nurturing young infants’ minds, but also allows each child an opportunity to rest and recharge.  Young infants determine their own schedules- there is no such thing as a “typical day” in an infant classroom!  As your baby matures, we guide each child towards a more structured and organized schedule to provide consistent feeding and rest times.

  • Social/Emotional
  • Gross Motor
  • Music & Movement
  • Story Time
  • Fine Motor
  • Sensory Activities
  • Outdoor Play
One of Knoxville’s Premier & Most Outstanding Childcare Facilities!