The Toddler II Program

The Toddler II Program (2 – 4 Years Old)

Toddler II Program (2-4 yrs old)

The weekly themes in this program promotes independence through child centered and teacher directed activities throughout the day. Self-help skills such as eating skills, potty training, hand washing, and independently cleaning up are among the skills taught in this room.

The program also introduces students to circle time activities including calendar, weather, counting, story time, and songs. The age appropriate activities in this classroom promote taking turns, cooperating, sharing, and expressing feelings in appropriate manner.

A child’s feeling of independence and social interaction with others is what the Toddler II Program is all about. Our program revolves around the children learning to help themselves and getting along with others.

During the course of the day, children are encouraged to make choices for themselves, cooperate with others as well as listen and follow directions. During the course of the program the classroom teachers lead the children in small and large group activities, such as movement, read-a-loud stories, circle time and art activities. The children are encouraged to make friends, share and communicate with their classmates. The children are also prompted to use the bathroom on their own, although assistance is given if necessary.

In preparation for the PreK Program, the Toddler II grads work on their hand writing skills, colors, shapes and numbers. This also gives the teachers the opportunity to work one-on-one with each student.

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